One exhibit: a demonstration
of design supporting a concept.

Design in exhibits should fit with the aesthetics of the space, especially in immersion exhibitions. But design should also resonate with the story the exhibit tells.

"A Question of Survival...
For a Day or Forever."

The signs on this page illustrate how design supports the messages in one exhibit: The Fragile Kingdom.

Main title: predator, prey, plants, and idea "advance organizer."
"Fragile Kings" (large carnivores): reasons predators struggle.
The Wheel of Survival: empathy with hunters as hunts so often fail.
Desert animals struggle against "Heat, hunger, and thirst."
Desert signs fit that environment: rock, pot shards, and tent fabric.
A mysterious nomad spirit introduces visitors to the theme.
Light spells out that he left clues, marked by pieces of scarf.
Fabric flaps reveal that many animals, including people, eat termites.   For the diverse but fragile forest: predator and prey in wood.  

Recent Exhibits

Exhibit design concepts

Case study of design responding to a concept
Exhibit designs can be distinct and work together
Wayfinding case study
Design reinforcing messages
Design that helps make learning fun

Sign writing samples

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